Saturday, April 11, 2020

What If Extended Essay Topics Are Similar To A Classmates?

What If Extended Essay Topics Are Similar To A Classmate's?This will be an extended essay about what if extended essay topics are similar to a classmate's. This will examine the impact of shared interests and those similarities can lead to opportunities for work-related projects, such as essays or dissertations.For example, suppose you know someone who enjoys writing poetry and knows that he is also a violinist. You could go into an essay about how your friendship influenced him to write poetry. Or you could dive right into a research topic. It could be as simple as investigating his violin playing and reviewing some of his poetry.As with any friends or classmates you have, you may be uncertain about how they perceive this close relationship. What if the similarity in interests extends to their career goals. Well, it could result in more opportunities for them, if they are willing to commit to writing essays on the same topic or research project.If you know other people who do their best to follow each other's career goals, you could share more than shared interests. You could connect them to opportunities, like for instance becoming book reviewers. You may have similar literary tastes, or similar viewpoints on certain books. This might result in working together on a book review.Time management, or planning ahead of time, would be helpful for both of you. What if they don't have all the free time to spend researching? Perhaps you could look at this as an opportunity for writing the same kind of essay.Another useful things to note is that a teacher might well find it easier to work with two students if one is writing about something similar to the other's field of study. They wouldn't feel like they are working with an 'intruder'. It might help them to see you as a group, as opposed to as an individual, which can make the assignment easier to finish.The key point here is that if you know what you are doing, it could be easy to create similar skills for yourself . If you've been taking some courses in a similar field or you've studied things together, it is important to think about how your writing may be similar.

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