Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Workplace Politics - 804 Words

Workplace Politics Thesis- Presidential election and listening to the debates may be over but we still have politics to deal with, in the office. Don’t think of office politics as the area of backstabbers and manipulators. If you can understand your company’s political setting you can use it to your advantage. It is true that people who don’t play well with others still get promoted. What is office politics?... Politics is the use of power towards a goal that is beneficial to an individual and to use as a disadvantage to others. This tends to be devious, manipulative and negative to others. Many that hold high positions in companies tend to play office politics. So, what we will tell you about today is the negatives and the†¦show more content†¦i. Trying to understand others is a disarming technique, it will make people feel less defensive and be open to understand you in return. g. Think win-win i. Work together so that both parties win in some way or another. Conclusion- However, there are many other types of power than the kind that resides in rank or position: there is knowledge (what you know), network (who you know), experience (length of service), physical (size, appearance) and personal (charisma) power. Its safe to say that we all have some power in one or more of those categories. So if we all have power, it follows that we can all play office politics. But do we? Ask yourself: have I ever delayed or withheld bad news from the boss? Have I ever passed on a piece of information in order to influence opinion? Have I ever used my connections to find out something? The chances are, weve all played politics at some point orShow MoreRelatedThe Effect Of Organizational Politics At Workplace2949 Words   |  12 Pageseffect of perceived organizational politics at workplace. 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